Monday, April 21, 2008


My birthday is on Thursday, and it has me wondering a few things. Why are birthdays expected to be perfect in our society? Birthdays are held in the highest regard. People feel like they shouldn't have to work or go to school on their birthdays. People feel like they deserve presents and to get things for free. Now, I am definitely not saying that these are bad things, but birthdays are not always perfect. When the are not perfect, we tend to feel cheated or let down. Why are birthdays so special? It is cool that you have a day that is about you, but it is because you are another year older. And actually, we continue to get older with each passing day, not just each birthday.


Zack Reaves said...

I like your point about how we grow older everyday. One thing I've noticed is that since I've gotten older, birthdays mean less and less to me. 21 will be a big one for the obvious reasons, and then 50 will be another. Perhaps if I make it to 100 then that will be quite an accomplishment as well. Other than those few dates, I don't feel that special.

I think what you could do to improve this post is explore more of the reasons why birthdays are special. Is it just different personalities that think they should be special? I see people who are more self-centered caring more about birthdays than those who care more about others. Overall, you have great posts.

Audblogger said...

You do leave a good point! Do narcissist care more about their own birthdays while non-narcissists care more about other people's birthdays? It is always exciting to have a birthday, but I find my friends birthdays are exciting as well.

Britt said...

I agree with zach that birthday seem less and less special the older we get. My birthday is coming up this weekend and my called me all excited asking what I wanted and when I would come back home so that we could have a family party. I found myself telling her that I didn't need presents and that there was nothing at the moment that I felt like I had to have. The only thing I want is for her to maybe call me and say happy birthday. She agreed and said that my 21st would be special but after that they get kind of meaningless. It would be nice to go out to dinner and celebrate with your friends, but they whole world doesn't need to revolve around you on your birthday.
I do think that narcissitic people care more about their own birthdays. I have a friend that counts down about a month ahead of time and then reminds you at least 7 times that day how many days away her birthday is, and when here birthday actually roles around... well, lets just say she better get EVERYTHING she wants!! I would classify this friend as slightly narcissitic and say that yes, narcissist do care about their own birthdays way more than anyone elses.

kc said...

Birthdays are just another way to celebrate yourself.... and doesn't everyone like celebrating themselves! You have a great point, we do get older every day so why are birthdays so important every year. I understand why it would be an important day between your family and you but the public in general really doesn't care.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Zack. It seems like people who really get into thier birthdays are those who want a lot of attention, and a birthday is just one more excuse for that. When you are a little spoiled kid, everybody envies the "birthday girl" or the "birthday boy," but as you grow up, you realize it's just another day to be grateful to be alive and enjoying the things you love. I do admit I hate to work on my birthday. Mine was Sunday, May 4th, and I was happy because I could walk my dog in the park that morning.