Monday, April 21, 2008


My birthday is on Thursday, and it has me wondering a few things. Why are birthdays expected to be perfect in our society? Birthdays are held in the highest regard. People feel like they shouldn't have to work or go to school on their birthdays. People feel like they deserve presents and to get things for free. Now, I am definitely not saying that these are bad things, but birthdays are not always perfect. When the are not perfect, we tend to feel cheated or let down. Why are birthdays so special? It is cool that you have a day that is about you, but it is because you are another year older. And actually, we continue to get older with each passing day, not just each birthday.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Difficulty of Certain Universities

We all know and understand that college is difficult. Teachers expect more of you and assign more than in high school. However, why are some universities more difficult than others? Is it the faculty or classes these schools offer? For example, I am a transfer student to Southern Methodist University from University of North Texas. UNT was a tough school, but I have done more work and put more effort into my school work in this one semester of SMU than I ever did in a year and a half at UNT. Now, this is not because I slacked off at UNT. I left there with a 4.0, and luckily I been able to maintain good grades at SMU as well, but it has been much trickier. At UNT, if you got any sort of A, from a 90-100, it was considered 4.o. But, at SMU, you can receive an A- that results in a 3.75. What makes Harvard more prestigious than a simple community college? Or, better yet what makes certain ivy league schools better than other ivy league schools, or are they all on the same level of education? What makes Cox Business School hear at SMU one of the best business schools in the country? It must be the caliber of faculty and the level of educations the institutions offer to their students.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Tattoos and Me

Max has written a good topic for argument on his page about tattoos. Are they getting more accepted in society? I have left two comments (it was supposed to be one comment, but I forgot something and added it after I had posted). Go represent: